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This form is used for the appointment of AmanahRaya as Executor and general distribution without declaring the types of assets.

For Muslims: You can list non-heir beneficiaries for an amount not exceeding 1/3 of the estate’s value.

For non-Muslims: You can list the names and shares of the beneficiaries for the estate.

This form is used to appoint AmanahRaya as an Executor and can list the assets and specific beneficiaries. This form is also used to convert Basic Will to Comprehensive Will.

This form is used to amend the content of the comprehensive will prepared by AmanahRaya.

This form is used to deposit a will with AmanahRaya, whether the will is prepared by AmanahRaya or another party.

Will Brochure

Trust Account Application Form

Recipient Bank Account Confirmation Form

Trust Account Closure Form

Trust Administration Brochure

Application Form For Estate Administration

Application Form Estate Administration Checklist

Estate Administration Brochure

HiBAHKU Brochure