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“Hibah” refers to an act of gifting assets voluntarily from one person to another during their lifetime out of affection and without any reciprocity.


What is HiBAHKU?

HiBAHKU is an alternative instrument for a Donor to transfer ownership of asset(s) that are encumbrance-free or asset(s) still encumbered by a loan to the Hibah recipient. The Donor during his/her lifetime can also gift asset(s) that are still encumbered by a loan subject to terms and conditions of the Hibah.

AmanahRaya is appointed as the Representative who manages the Hibah documents before and after the Donor’s demise.


Why Hibah at AmanahRaya

  • HiBAHKU is approved by the Shariah Supervisory Council of AmanahRaya
  • Assurance for the Donor
     The Donor can still receive benefits from the Hibah asset(s) throughout the Donor’s lifetime
  • Asset transfer handled by AmanahRaya
     AmanahRaya will assist in managing the transfer of Hibah asset(s)
  • Assets under Encumbrance
     AmanahRaya offers Hibah services for encumbered asset(s)


Learn all about the easy steps of HiBAHKU to ensure a more secure future for your loved ones.


  • Submission of Application Form and supporting documents
  • Fee Payment
  • Asset Declaration


  • Preparation of Legal Documentation
  • Completion of Hibah offer (Ijab) and acceptance (Qabul)


Endorsement of Hibah Documents in Syariah Court


AmanahRaya manages the transfer of ownership of Hibah asset(s) to the Hibah Recipient through estate administration processes after the demise of the Donor.


Any Muslim individual aged 18 and above, and possesses asset(s) to Hibah.

An alternative instrument for:

Individuals who do not have children
Indivuduals who only have daughter(s)
Couples who have adopted children/ stepchildren
Couples who have children with disabilities (OKU)
Couples with joint asset(s)
Individuals with encumbered asset(s)
Muslim converts


Assets that can be gifted

Movable asset(s)

  • Cars and motorcycles, whether encumbered or not, with full insurance/takaful protection

  • Specifically for the state of Selangor:
    Cash savings and unit trusts in financial institutions or banks with the Hibah Recipient as a joint account holder except for ASNB/Tabung Haji savings

Non-movable assets

  • Asset(s) with or without a mortgage with full MRTA/MRTT protection


Documentation Fee

  • RM 1,500.00.00 for the first asset
  • RM 500.00 for each additional asset

Execution Fee

  • Existing Estate Fee
  • A contribution of RM 10.00 from the fees collected by AmanahRaya will be dedicated to the construction and upgrading of mosques and suraus.

Required Documents

HiBAHKU Application Form
Copy of Donor’s Identification Card
Copy of Recipient's Identification Card
Copy of property ownership documents
Official land title search (if applicable)

Start Gifting For Your Loved Ones Today

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